Over 40 Years Acupuncture Experience

and Many More!

* Natural Alternative

Do you suffer from acute or chronic pain? If so, you may be experiencing the debilitating effects that limit your productivity or ability to work, hinder decision making, interrupt sleep, hinder relational activities, and affect your personality. 

If you have learned to live with your pain, suffered an injury, want to avoid surgery, or would like to speed your recovery from a necessary surgery, we are here to help.

* Drug-Free

Enjoy Life - Without Pain

Let our Doctors help you break the pain cycle so you can get back to enjoying your life, pain-free. 

What Acupuncture Can Help

Research shows that acupuncture can be helpful for many types of acute and chronic pain. Each of our treatments including acupuncture and herbal medicine, that maximize your healing potential for a wide variety of conditions and syndromes. 

* Pain-Free

How We Help

* Surgery-Free

  • Pelvic, hip leg, ankle, and foot pain

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Post-surgical pain

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)

  • Sciatic nerve pain

  • Shingles and postherpetic neuralgia

  • Shoulder, wrist, and hand pain

  • Sinus pain

  • Tennis elbow

  • TMJ pain

  • Trigeminal neuralgia

  • Whiplash injuries

  • Vertebral compression syndromes

  • Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

  • Joint pain and stiffness 

  • Complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS)

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Facet syndromes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Herniated disc

  • Intercostal neuralgia

  • Migraines and other headaches

  • Neck and Low back pain

  • Nerve pain resulting from neck/back injuries

  • Occipital neuralgia

  • ​Bells Palsy

Injuries occurring from sports, work, or auto accidents and surgical interventions are due to trauma or overuse syndromes involving the musculoskeletal system and its soft tissues.

Trauma to the soft tissues, including ligaments, tendons, and muscles is generally the result of falls, blows, sprains/strains, collisions, compressions, and disruptions of the healing processes due to inflammation. 

Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or years. Some of the physical effects include tense muscles, limited mobility, a lack of energy, and changes in appetite. Some emotional effects include depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury. This fear may hinder a person's ability to return to normal work or leisure activities.

Pain is your body’s warning system, and should not be ignored. Unfortunately, many people do not listen to the warning signs and continue their activity.  Stinging, aching, or throbbing sends messages to your brain to stop what it is currently doing and let your body heal.  When pain continues, it can affect every aspect of your life. All it takes is an injury that does not heal correctly, joint deterioration, or nerve damage, and the pain-signaling system breaks down creating chronic pain.