Over 40 Years Acupuncture Experience

Get Started Today. 

Some pituitary disorders, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure, individuals who have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or who currently suffer from migraine headaches.  Scleroderma, blood clotting issues, active infections, immunosuppression, on blood thinners, current/recent chemotherapy or radiation, or recent facial procedures. 

Caution for those with high blood pressure, migraines, active eczema/psoriasis, and diabetes.

It should not be done during pregnancy or nursing, during a bout with a cold or flu, during an allergic attack, within 4 months of Botox injections to the area to be treated, skin cancers, or during an acute herpes outbreak. 

For Best Results

  • Do not apply heavy moisturizers before treatment.
  • Do not take Vitamin E above 800 mg and/or Asprin, unless you have been on a prescription for two weeks prior, due to the potential of bruising. 

The following can block the results:

  • Smoking: chemicals in cigarettes damage the skin, resulting in an older appearance
  • Sun-damaged skin: use sunblock over SPF 15 whenever out in direct sunlight. 
  • Harsh soap: can cause the rugged texture of the skin
  • Poor diet: nutrients and vitamins are essential for proper skin nourishment
  • Excess alcohol: excess consumption of alcohol can damage the skin due to damage to the liver
  • Dehydration: lack of water intake can cause the skin to sag, have poor skin color, increase breakouts, and reduce facial tone. ​​

Love Your Skin. 

A Way of Life Acupuncture invites you to discover a beauty secret used by the Chinese nobility for thousands of years. You can harness this time-honored wisdom to reclaim a radiant and youthful appearance through a safe and painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of aging.  According to Chinese Medicine, beauty is restored when the energy (Qi) circulation increases the flow of blood.  

Acupuncture for facial beauty is a wonderful holistic approach to fighting the aging process and offers a safe, effective, and proven method of treatment to:

  • Minimize or erase fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce the depth of deeper lines
  • Decrease puffiness under the eyes
  • Firm facial muscles
  • Lifts drooping eyelids
  • Provide a consistently smoother and brighter face
  • ​Increased production of elastin and collagen
  • Moisturize skin
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Tightened and lifted neck area
  • Improved complexion
  • Improved muscle tone to prevent further wrinkles and aging 

Love Your Skin. 

Love How You Look.

Look and Feel Your Best. 

Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture can sometimes be referred to as an Acupuncture Facelift or Cosmetic Acupuncture but is more than a cosmetic procedure. It rejuvenates and revitalizes from within to help the whole body look and feel younger.  It is one of the fastest-growing non-surgical methods for those who want to maintain beauty, radiance, and vitality to the face, but also improve their overall health and well-being.  

While not a replacement for surgery, Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture is an excellent alternative:

  • It is a natural and cost-effective way to look and feel younger.
  • Virtually painless.
  • You look like yourself, not altered like most cosmetic surgeries
  • It is far less costly than cosmetic surgery or Botox injections.
  • It is safer and has no side effects or risks of disfigurement, unlike surgery or Botox.
  • There is no trauma from Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture.  Unlike surgery, there may be extended recovery periods with swelling, discoloration, and chance of infection.