Over 40 Years Acupuncture Experience
Severe Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) / Stress Management
"This is my first experience with acupuncture. I have had severe gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and a friend recommended I see Dr. Christine as I was not having much success with traditional treatments. When I walked in the door, I noticed the environment is very calming and relaxing. Dr. Christine is a wonderful person and is extremely knowledgeable. She really listened to my concerns and began treatment. I immediately felt very relaxed, which I have not experienced in quite some time! I have been coming for treatments now for about five months and I have really noticed an improvement in symptoms. Most importantly, I feel that acupuncture has significantly reduced my stress levels. Dr. Christine has been great about working in conjunction with any medications or treatments I have been on. I will continue regular acupuncture therapy as I have noticed a dramatic difference in how I feel and believe I will continue to make improvements. I recommend that anyone interested in feeling better give acupuncture a try."
~ C. Seda, Jacksonville, Florida
Let Us Help You Find Relief.
Feel Better.
Enjoy Life.